Monday, April 14, 2008

Okay our life is about to change?!

Can we handle it?
I sure hope so!

We are both getting excited for the new arrival to our family. We were up on the roof top of my office one night last week taking photos for our web site. We have both been trying to get some things done that we have been putting off.
Gene has been working on our web site and I finally submitted my hours to the NCARB... (what a pain) Now I wait the 3 months to find out if they think I am done with my IDP program so I can start testing...

The photos above were a few from the roof deck photo shoot, we have been meaning to add photos to the web site forever... but the extra cold winter created a delay... but I do believe spring is around the corner at this point. I am not sure if we got any good photos but I am hoping there are at least one or two we could use for now.
Photos my self always hard to like... but I love that in the last 3 posts on this web site I have had on "The Green shirt" How funny! Yep my attire has been slim through out this pregnancy and this green shirt is the softest cotton known to man and the most worn!... It sure will be nice to get a few things once this little dude pops out!

Gene and I just finished an architecture competition for a temporary out door art gallery. We submitted few weeks ago.. and have been waiting the announcement of the winner. As usual we didn't win, but they did list us in the Honorable Mention group, which was a great feeling. It takes so much work to do these competitions and often there is not even a "Thanks for entering" One day we may win one! check out our entry here! you can click on our names and it should pop up. (Shanna and Gene from Chicago!) Let us know what you think....

Okay off to bed for me, only 5 days left until our due date and we need our beauty sleep, before taking on the new roll of PARENTS....

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