Sunday, October 28, 2007

A new place to bee....

Life has been out of control lately and I have had no time for blogging/creating/art/knitting- should I go on. But at this moment in time, I feel I should start to make time and space to keep friends, family and you up to date! I have been working pretty hard at work lately (I am an architect in training as the say) so my current project is now heading into the construction phase so that means I won't be working as hard, or maybe I should say not as long (that is my hope anyway).

We are also expecting a new "little bundle of joy" in the spring and I figure this is a good time to start a new blog. This will be a place were I can post photos of my crafts as well as my family. We are very excited about this new addition to our family. We currently are only a family of 4 . Husband and wife and 2 lazy orange tabby cats, so this new addition to the family will be all kinds of exciting. I have never been a Mom before, this should really be an adventure, I hope I can share my adventures with you here......

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